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Our Resources

If you feel you are experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, use our simple symptom tracker. Mark any of the symptoms that apply to you, then print and take this with you to your doctor's appointment.

Download our Menopause Symptom Tracker and download our Genito-Urinary Symptoms of Menopause (GSM) Tracker here.

These can be used to track your symptoms and can be useful when discussing your menopause symptoms with your doctor.

Remember to please consult your own doctor to discuss your symptoms or for any medical advice

Understanding Menopause

Menopause will directly affect approximately half the world’s population. If that includes you, this booklet from is to help you understand more about it and to enable you to make informed choices about how you manage your menopause. Menopause can indirectly affect the other half of the population too: partners, family, friends and colleagues. We hope the information here will also be helpful for those supporting people experiencing menopause.